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Register your phone

number in the no call


We make sure that you won’t receive anymore unwanted calls

Your Image


“Very easy and straightforward
process, fill in 2 phone numbers
and could register them at the
same time. Done within a few
minutes and received confirmation

Do your registration with our
proven system!

Discover how effortless it is to register your phone numbers on the official Do Not Call registry of the United States through our website. This platform facilitates the process of submitting your phone numbers to ensure compliance with the regulations, allowing you to avoid unwanted telemarketing calls hassle-free. We are here to assist you every step of the way, making the registration process smooth and efficient. Say goodbye to unwanted calls and protect your privacy with ease through our user-friendly platform.

Use our simple form

  • Done within minutes
  • Officially Registered within 24 hours
  • High data protection & security

How does it work?

Here's how you can register your phone numbers on the official Do Not Call registry of the United States through our website. We make sure that every registration is processed within 24 hours.

Submit your phone

Enter your information conveniently in a user-friendly online form step by step.

Verification process

We promptly process your submission and ensure it meets the registry's requirements. Your data is securely handled.

Confirmation of

All done! You'll receive confirmation of your registration on the Do Not Call registry shortly after submission.


No answer found?

Then simply get in touch with us.

Contact us


How do I add my number to the No Call Registry?

You can simply complete our registration process. After, you will receive an order confirmation email. Then within 24 hours, you will receive a registration confirmation email.

How long will it take for sales calls to stop?

Your phone number should show up on the Registry the next day, but it can take up to 31 days for sales calls to stop.

Will my registration expire?

No, your registration will never expire. The FTC will only remove your number from the Registry if it’s disconnected and reassigned, or if you ask to remove it.

Can I register multiple phone numbers?

Yes, you can! Simply use our registration form and click on the ‘+’ button to add more phone numbers.

What does the service cost?

Our service fee is a one-time payment of $19.95.

Need help?

We help you to make sure your

phone number is registered in the

‘do not call register’
